Activation will be LIFETIME, access to our server with all the latest updates will be valid for 1 year.

After this, you don’t have to pay to use it if the latest updates are not so important to you.


How this happens:
1) You buy a device, then register on the LAUNCH website (I will explain in detail what, how and where to register in correspondence)

2) After this, you will need to give me the login and password for your account that you registered on the official website and I will unlink your device from the officials and you will be able to use the full package.

It is also possible (if you do not want to give me a login and password) that you could do it yourself, I will explain how and what to do. I will need the original file from the official website with your serial number of the device....

3) After that, I send you the apk (program) and you use it. The program is completely based on launch x431 pro > the same.