Get ready for a transformative journey with a Life Coach Reading (in-depth) delivered via email/eBay messages. As a seasoned psychic with expertise in past lives, angelic messages, and tarot, I offer insights that delve deep into your spiritual realm.

With over a decade of dedicated study in practices like reiki, vipassana meditation, and professional readings, I bring a wealth of experience to each session. Your privacy is paramount, so rest assured that all readings are strictly confidential.

After placing your order, drop me a message with what you want to work on for faster delivery. However, please note that while I strive to provide valuable guidance, no reading can claim 100% accuracy. Cosmic energies are ever-changing, and free will reigns supreme, making the future fluid and dynamic.

For legal reasons, I'm unable to offer financial, health, or legal advice. Please consult the appropriate professionals for queries in those domains. Lastly, while my readings are insightful and enlightening, they are intended for entertainment purposes only.