Gears of Justice. 18 × 24 inches.

Screen print on thick cream

Speckletone paper. Signed by Shepard Fairey. Numbered edition of 550.

Comes with a Digital Certificate of Authenticity provided by Verisart.

Placed in a wooden frame as seen in the pictures.

From Shepard Fairey

“This Gears of Justice print is based on a retired stencil I made recently using my "Star Gear" as the central element.

I designed the star gear in the late 90s as a recurrent motif in many of my constructivist and industrial-style pieces and an easy-to-apply stencil for the streets. I liked the gear as a symbol of empowerment and industriousness.

I've always enjoyed the term industrious because, to me, it suggests clever ways of working that are productive even if the creator has far fewer resources than a powerful corporation. Perpetuating my earlier art on a very limited budget forced me to be industrious. I learned to appreciate the struggles of underdog individuals and small businesses competing with monopolistic corporations that often curry favor with the government. I began to realize that real justice requires leveling the playing field and questioning the extreme power of some while the system withholds power from others. I work regularly with an organization called @bravenewfilms that recognizes these power dynamics and fights for a power dynamics and fights for a more just world. They work on films promoting social justice and opposing fascism. Check out this BNF video demonstrating what Trump's appointees think of him on the last slide. A portion of proceeds from this print will support the work of Brave New Films.”
