More than forty years have passed. Our childhood ended longing for authentic Persian translations of Tintin albums. But now, the wait is over…With the revival of Universal Publications, our dreams are finally realized....

"Land of Black Gold" (Tintin au Pays de l'Or Noir in French) unfolds as the riveting 15th volume in The Adventures of Tintin series by Hergé. Within the pages of this captivating installment, readers are transported into a vivid narrative that plays out against the tumultuous backdrop of political upheaval in the Middle East during the 1930s. 

Accompanied by his faithful companion Snowy (Milou), Tintin finds himself embroiled in a web of conspiracies that span across the region. As he delves deeper into the mystery of the exploding oil rigs and the sabotage threatening the oil industry, Tintin navigates through perilous situations with his trademark courage and resourcefulness. His investigation leads him to uncover a plot involving rival oil companies, secret agents, and political agendas that threaten to destabilize the entire region. 

Through Tintin's adventures, Hergé delivers a message about the importance of perseverance and integrity in the face of adversity. Tintin's unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth and exposing corruption underscores themes of justice and moral responsibility. The album serves as a reminder of the power of individual action in combating injustice and preserving peace.

Khosro Samiee, the original translator of the Universal Publications Tintin books, has enriched the Persian translation of "The Land of Black Gold" with his meticulous attention to cultural nuances and linguistic details. His translation ensures that Persian readers can fully immerse themselves in Tintin's daring exploits while appreciating the narrative's relevance and impact in a global context. Samiee's contribution enhances the accessibility and authenticity of Hergé's work, making it accessible to a broader audience and preserving its timeless appeal for generations to come.