Aucuba japonica 30 SEEDS!,  if more needed just ask :)

Aucuba japonica, which is commonly known as spotted laurel and sometimes also called Japanese laurel, is an evergreen shrub which is tough, hardy and easy to grow. Aucuba is a useful and hard-working shrub that creates structure and interest all year round. Most notable is that aucuba is one of the few shrubs that thrives in shade and is reasonably fast-growing for an evergreen shrub (which are generally slower growing, compared to deciduous shrubs).

The principal attraction of aucuba is its large glossy leaves which can be up to 20cm long and a range of varieties offer differing leaf colours ranging from dark green, variegated with white or yellow, or splashed with bright yellow. Named varieties are nearly all either male or female: bright red berries up to 1cm across are produced by female varieties if a male variety is growing nearby, these berries appearing in autumn and usually remaining on the plant all winter. There are some varieties that bear male and female flowers on the same plant. Aucuba thrives on almost all soils and is often seen growing in cities as it is tolerant of polluted air.

All parts of aucuba are slightly toxic and can cause mild stomach upset if ingested. Wear gloves as a precaution when handling the plant and wash hands well afterwards. Ensure small children do not pick and eat the bright red berries.

How to propagate aucuba

Sow seed of female varieties in pots and stand in a sheltered spot outside to germinate and grow on. Or look for self-sown seedlings near the parent plant and pot up or transplant these whilst small.

Take semi-ripe cuttings in summer, selecting healthy shoots of the current year’s growth that has just started to become woody.