Coin is from silk route area

The Silk Route was a series of ancient trade networks that connected China and the Far East with countries in Europe and the Middle East.

The Silk Road  was a network of Eurasian trade routes active from the second century BCE until the mid-15th century. Spanning over 6,400 kilometers (4,000 miles), it played a central role in facilitating economic, cultural, political, and religious interactions between the East and West.

About coin

Lion walking right, tail raised / Blank. 16mm, 1.94 grams. Shagalov/Kuznetzov type 4 (#252-254). Rare. This type is reportedly found in the towns of Kanka and Banaket, which were the outlying regions of Chach. They were probably minted by a local ruler using the casting method and were imitating the contemporary coins of Tarnvach of Chach (or were possibly issued by this ruler). The principality of Chach, whose main town had a square citadel built around the 5th to 3rd centuries BC, some 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) south of the Syr Darya River. By the 7th century AD, Chach had over 30 towns and a network of over 50 canals, forming a trade center between the Sogdians and Turkic nomads. The region came under the sway of Islam in the early parts of the 8th century


