Vitrex is a dietary product that helps alleviate, and often disappear, the signs and symptoms of floaters in the eye.

Vitrex is a dietary supplement that helps alleviate, and often completely disappear (with over 80% success rate) the signs and symptoms of floaters in the eye. Floaters or flies are a disease of the vitreous body of the eye characterized by the appearance of dots, dashes or oblong formations that are constantly moving. Such a phenomenon significantly interferes with vision and creates restlessness in patients, which worsens in conditions of reduced light or when reading. The cause of this phenomenon is degenerative phenomena on the collagen fibers of the vitreous body, as well as their association into larger formations that patients perceive as bands or flies.
Given that until now there was no adequate therapy for this condition, Vitrex is a revolutionary preparation that prevents the joining of collagen fibers and thus prevents the formation of flies. It is completely harmless to human health, and it is recommended to take it for 4 months with regular control by an ophthalmologist. It is considered necessary to take the preparation for another 12 months after the withdrawal of the symptoms of the disease.

How to Use
Take 1 or 2 capsules a day with a little liquid one hour before a meal.

L-lysine  .................................................................  162.5mg
L-carnosine  ...........................................................  130mg
Vitamin C (dry orange peel extract)  ......................    80mg
Hesperidin, fruit extract  .........................................    63mg
Proanthocyanidins (dry grape seed extract)  .........    28mg

Packing: 30 capsules

Net Weight: 16.78g / 0.6oz.