The Black Death - Gwyneth Cravens & John S. Marr 1978 Ballantine Books Paperback

Condition: Acceptable. Please see the images for more details. Cover art: Blurb: “It's war: Millions of invaders, assaulting, killing, dying, digging in, girding for more fighting. The invaders are tiny, microscopic organisms with a foreign name, Yersinia pestis. A girl named Sarah Dobbs is their beachhead. •The war is plague. The same plague that ravaged medieval towns, brought rats out to dance in the streets and left corpses stacked like cordwood in the alleys and gutters. And Sarah has brought it home to New York.”

The Black Death - Gwyneth Cravens & John S. Marr 1978 Ballantine Books Paperback

Condition: Acceptable. Please see the images for more details.

Cover art:

Blurb: “It's war: Millions of invaders, assaulting, killing, dying, digging in, girding for more fighting. The invaders are tiny, microscopic organisms with a foreign name, Yersinia pestis. A girl named Sarah Dobbs is their beachhead.

•The war is plague. The same plague that ravaged medieval towns, brought rats out to dance in the streets and left corpses stacked like cordwood in the alleys and gutters.

And Sarah has brought it home to New York.”

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