


By "I2M"

Model: Chrome Plus

Measurements: 171mm X 105mm X 15.10mm

Compatible with: DUCATI PANIGALE 889 / 1199 / 1299

The Chrome PLUS 2 is supplied in a package containing:

- Chrome PLUS2

- GPS receiver

- Main harness

- Cleaning cloth

To be able to install it, you only need to choose the plug&play adapter for your bike.

The lambda sensor and its connecting strap are sold separately so that they can only be purchased by those interested in reading Lambda values.

ACHTUNG: Die Lambdasonde (LAM) und ihr Anschlussband (ALAMC2) werden separat verkauft, sodass sie nur von Interessenten erworben werden können, die Lambdawerte ablesen möchten.

Created thanks to the experience gained with the PRO2, the new Chrome PLUS2 boasts more than 150 acquisition channels, a Dual Core processor, an integrated Bluetooth receiver for connection with heart rate monitors and the latest generation GoPro.

the new PLUS2 combines the features of its predecessor, such as the video input or the integrated lambda controller, with new RGB LEDs and the ability to manage parametric sensors, all in a new ultra slim look.

Thanks to the use of a new dedicated hardware based on a dual core processor, the Chrome PLUS2 2 is able to read and acquire over 128 Can Bus channels which join the over 30 standards including speed, rpm, external analogs, tire pressures and temperatures , GPS, gears, water, oil...

The new hardware makes it possible to make channel acquisition fully configurable with a maximum frequency of 500Hz for each channel.

Great attention has been paid to the total configurability of every aspect starting from the alarms, now all RGB, up to the possibility of creating non-linear sensors for each input.

A new integrated harness equipped with a single IP67 connector and new adapter cards complete the new Chrome PLUS2 experience.

Thanks to the new integrated Bluetooth BLE receiver, the Chrome PLUS2 can be connected to a Polar H7 or H10 heart rate monitor.

The data is then acquired in order to be re-examined later so as to plan correct and targeted physical training based on personal physical effort.

The integrated BLE connection allows PLUS2 to also connect to GoPRO HERO9 and HERO10 thus directly managing their recording.

The Chrome PLUS2 2 is equipped with a video input to which it is possible to connect a Logitech C270 cam with 1280x720 25fps resolution, while audio recording is entrusted and an internal microphone so as to be shielded from the wind, giving an excellent rendering of the vehicle's sounds.

Compared to the previous generation, the new Chrome PLUS2 features a single front plexiglass that protects the TFT display even better.

The CNC machined aluminum case is now even thinner providing housing for a new single rear connector with IP67 protection.


- 5" 800x480 color graphic display

- Very high visibility even in direct sunlight

- 1GHz processor with 1GB of RAM and 16GB of internal memory

- Fully configurable driver and mechanic pages

- Aluminum case machined from solid

- 10Hz GPS trajectory and speed detection with 66 channels in parallel

- Stopwatch with 20 pre-set circuits, 500 laps per circuit

- Automatic recognition of the circuit, with four sectors

- Calculation of best lap, ideal, predictive lap, historical and current day maximum values

- 11 fully configurable high-brightness alarms, 4 RGB LEDs

- 8 10-bit analog inputs (on motorcycles with can bus)

- 2 speed inputs and 1 RPM input

- Separate water, petrol, oil inlets with totally dedicated alarms

- Data download via USB stick or WiFi connection


- Storage on internal memory, 16GB data

- Integrated lambda probe controller

- Automatic generation of the stoichiometric ratio table

- Video input

- External GoPro control via Wife

- Connection to Polar H7 or H10 heart rate belts

-DDS (Dansas Dynamic Settings)

- Waterproof

- Calculation of gear engaged with self-learning

NB: The photo is purely indicative to demonstrate the quality of the product


Preis online:€ 2020.32


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