Here at Twisted Attik we are introducing our DREAM CATCHER Haunted Doll Lucy she is in a 1940’s vessel (we believe the vessel is that old). She is a possessive spirit that comes into your dreams/nightmares. She tries to catch your bad dreams and if she can’t then she tries to enter your dreams to give you comfort. For this reason she either likes to be in bed with you or at least close to you at night. Her previous owner is unable to care for her anymore. Now she is hoping for a new loving family to adopt her so she can be in her forever home and with her new family.

Lucys Vessel is 18” long

If you decide to bring Lucy into your home don't forget to offer her a gift, maybe light a candle or some incense to make her feel welcome. Before deciding that you want Lucy please realize by having her, you are welcoming a spirit into your home. Some people may find the experiences a little scary like seeing or feeling a presence around them. People have made mention of hearing strange sounds, lights dimming or just seeing something out of there corner of their eye, or maybe feeling like you are touched while no one is there. Now this doesn't mean the spirit is negative or wants to harm you, it just means you have a spirt in your home. Everyone's experience can be different, some people may not feel anything at all or some may feel more, depends on how open minded you are to the spiritual realm. I had several spirts in my home through the years and haven’t had really any problems. I am not responsible for any positive or negative events you may have while allowing Lucy to live in your home. These dolls I have are all a particular type of responsibility, require attention, and special care.

All my dolls and oddities come from estate sales, thrift stores, garage sales, or friends. Wherever they are they will call out as long as you are willing to listen. I use different ways of trying to communicate with them some are easier then others. It all depends on how comfortable they are with you and how open you are. So when and if you try just remember to give it time and be open.

Due to eBay Policies I must list any of these dolls as entertainment purposes only.