Pedigree Mixed Selection in Jelly 40 Pouches, Adult Wet Dog Food, Megapack

  • 100% Complete and delicious wet dog food for adult dogs
  • Easy-to-open pouches, perfect for a fresh healthy meal, on its own or on top of dry dog food
  • Dog food developed with our vets and nutritionists at Waltham Pet Nutrition Centre
  • This pet food contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives

Product Description Complete Pet Food for Adult Dogs. 100% complete and balanced, Pedigree Wet dog food is not only nutritious but also makes for highly enjoyable everyday meals that will bring out their infectious enthusiasm. In its easy-to-open Pouch format, it's perfect for a fresh healthy meal you can serve in one go. Developed with the help of vets and nutritionists at Waltham Pet Nutrition Centre, Pedigree dog food pouches have all the essential nutrients to support optimal digestion, a healthy skin and coat, strong natural defences and healthy bones. Pedigree dog Pouches contain no artificial colourants, flavours or preservatives. At Pedigree, we believe that dogs are good for us. Every day, their wonderful innocence brings out the good in us. Pedigree's complete range of tasty and healthy dog food and dog treats delivers everything that is essential to support, protect and spark all dogs' exuberant love of life. So that day after day, dog owners can feed the good in their dogs. With a wide range of tasty, complete and balanced dog food meals, Pedigree has everything all dogs need to thrive. Meals that taste good in ways that get tails wagging, and feed the good in ways you can see. Ingredients With Beef Meat and Animal Derivatives (39%, including 4% Beef), Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (including 0.5% Dried Beet Pulp), Oils and Fats (including 0.5% Sunflower Oil), Vegetable Protein Extracts With Chicken Meat and Animal Derivatives (39%, including 4% Chicken), Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (including 0.5% Dried Beet Pulp), Oils and Fats (including 0.5% Sunflower Oil), Vegetable Protein Extracts With Lamb Meat and Animal Derivatives (39%, including 4% Lamb), Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (including 0.5% Dried Beet Pulp), Oils and Fats (including 0.5% Sunflower Oil), Vegetable Protein Extracts With Poultry Meat and Animal Derivatives (39%, including 4% Poultry), Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (including 0.5% Dried Beet Pulp), Oils and Fats (including 0.5% Sunflower Oil), Vegetable Protein Extracts Directions Serve at room temperature, surplus food can be refrigerated for up to 2 days. Best before date: see side. Batch number, factory identification number: see individual pack. Box Contains 10 x Jelly with Beef 10 x Jelly with Chicken 10 x Jelly with Lamb 10 x Jelly with Poultry

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