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This vintage Standard Budapest Telephone is a unique piece that is sure to catch the eye of any collector.
3 Circuit phone with "Magic Eye" visual bell device.
The phone was made by Standard Budapest and is believed to originate from Budapest, Hungary. 
The phone features a black steel design with intricate details that showcase the craftsmanship of the time period it was produced in.
The phone is an original piece that dates back to the 1940 era, making it a true antique.
 It is a great addition to any antique collection and can also be used as a statement piece in a home or office.
 Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this piece of history.

All original switches, terminal boards and other components (see image)
With schematic attached internally
#3 push button missing

Not known to be original:
Handset coiled cord.
#1 push button

Please write if you have any further information on these phones, or if you have a quastion I may be able to answer.