Together with Antonov, Metal Time supports Ukrainian aviation rebuilding programs, including:
- the restoration of the AN-225 Mriya aircraft;
- training of new pilots and aircraft engineers;
- the restoration of houses of Antonov employees, destroyed during the war.

In 1988, Antonov Aviation built the world's largest cargo aircraft, the AN-225, named Mriya (translated from Ukrainian, means Dream) and landed it at the Gostomel airport, in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Its specifications were astonishing: it was 275 feet long, 288 feet wide and 59 feet tall. To understand just how enormous Mriya was imagine a six-story house with four entrances. The Mriya weighed 350 tons (700,000 lbs.) and could lift another 250 tons (500,000 lbs.). This was an absolute record. Mriya was a beast. No plane on earth could come close to that much carrying capacity. For example, Mriya could transport a herd of 42 elephants, or more than 1.8 million iPhones.

Over the years, the Mriya AN-225, has transported giraffes, yachts, parts of power plants and other large items other planes could not transport. Mriya carried the first Soviet "Shuttle" called "Buran" made its longest flight. After a short flight into space, the Buran remained grounded, but the Mriya would continue to soar!

Such an amazing feat of engineering has rarely been seen on earth. Each takeoff and landing of the Mriya became spectacle, attracting the press and people from all over the world.

You can destroy a plane, but you can't kill a Dream. One day Mriya will fly again.


In memory of the amazing, unique, aircraft, Metal Time presents the Ukrainian Dream SE licensed model. It is the result of a collaboration initiative between Antonov, Metal Time, and the Ukrainian Postal Service, Ukrposhta. Ukrainian Dream is an officially licensed model. So, we have paid great attention to every possible detail. The design case and movement were designed with great precision, to ensure each part moved correctly, and was visually accurate. The aircraft rests on a stand and can be easily removed.



In addition to all necessary parts for assembly, the set includes the limited-edition Mriya the Dream” postage stamp. Along with the Stamp, is a certificate of appreciation and support from Antonov Aviation, documenting your support of Mriya, and the aviation rebuilding programs.

Together with Antonov, Metal Time supports Ukrainian aviation rebuilding programs, including:
- restoration of the AN-225 Mriya aircraft;
- training of new pilots and aircraft engineers;
- restoration of houses of Antonov employees, destroyed during the war.