The first item is a Post card printed & issued in Austria commeroting 500th anniversary of NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’s birth. On the card is an orange insert of Copernicus from an old painting or wood cut with key dates of his life’s work. The specially designed cancellation marks his 500th birthday, 2/19/73 while the insert with a circular chart illustrates his scientific conclusion that the earth rotates around the sun and not vice versa as maintained by the church. The second item is a First Day Cover marking a proclamation by President Richard M. Nixon which designates the week of April 23, 1973 as “NICOLAUS COPERNICUS WEEK”. The cancellation is April. 23, 1973, Washington, D.C. the first day of issue of the Copernicus 1473-1973 8 cent U.S. stamp. A second stamp, a Polish 1.50zl stamp with Copernicus likeness and the same astronomical sun centered chart, is also cancelled. (Foreign stamps are rarely cancelled by U.S. postal services.) Copernicus’s likeness appears on the left side of the envelope and is printed in green with white light beams emanating from his right eye to indicate a new direction in astronomy. The 3rd item is a First Day cover dedicated to the Proclamation by President Richard M. Nixon designating October 11, 1973 as General Pulaski’s Memorial Day. The cancellation is in Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Station. COUNT CASIMIR PULASKI was a Polish General who fought along side George Washington for American Independence and lost his life. The stamp used is that of another famous Polish figure, Copernicus.

The 3 items are in excellent condition.