Illustrated Grimm's Fairy TalesRuth Brocklehurst

Art Nr.: 0746098545

ISBN 13: 9780746098547

Release year: 2010

Published by: Usborne Publishing

Cover: Buch

Cover Format: 200x156x30 mm

Pages: 304

Weight: 843 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Ruth Brocklehurst


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A wonderful collection of stories from the famous collectors of fairytales, The Brothers Grimm. Also includes a short biography of the brothers themselves.
Information of Author
Ruth Brocklehurst (Author) When she wasn't riding her bike or making things out of loo rolls and scraps of fabric, Ruth spent her childhood reading about detectives and historical figures. She has written and edited countless books for Usborne - some about detectives and historical figures some about dinosaurs, scientists and astronauts.
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