Purina ONE BIFENSIS Adult Cat Food Chicken & Wholegrains Large 6KG BAG DRY FOOD

Treat your feline friend to the nutritious and delicious Purina ONE BIFENSIS Adult Cat Food. This dry food is specially formulated to cater to the dietary needs of adult cats and contains a generous amount of chicken as the main ingredient. The 6kg bag of food is perfect for those who want to stock up on their pet's meals and the whole grains provide the necessary carbohydrates to keep your cat energized throughout the day. The Purina ONE cat food is ideal for pets who are sensitive to certain ingredients as it only contains what is necessary for a balanced diet. With its high quality, the food is sure to satisfy even the fussiest eaters. This product is a must-have for any cat lover who wants to provide their pet with the best possible nutrition.

Purina ONE® Adult cat food is nutritionally tailored for cats aged 1 year and over. Having a balanced gut microbiome is essential for the good health of your cat. It has a direct impact on their natural defences. The microbiome is an ecosystem containing trillions of microorganisms that live in the gut and are unique to each cat. The balance of microorganisms is important to make positive effect on your cat's digestive health, natural defences, and overall well-being.

Purina ONE® BIFENSIS® is nutritional formula with a beneficial functional bacteria: Lactobacillus, scientifically proven to strengthen your cat's natural defences from the inside out and helps protect a healthy gut microbiome. Purina ONE® BIFENSIS® contains high-quality ingredients, including prebiotic: chicory, which nurtures good bacteria in the gut to improve your cat's gut microbiome for maintaining your cat in a good health. From a healthy digestion and strong natural defences to a shiny coat, you can see visible results on your cat's health today and tomorrow.


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