GOLD-G Sea Cucumber Jelly is an herbal supplement made from sea cucumber , which is a traditional ingredient that is believed to stop bleeding so it is suitable to help prevent disease, maintain body health and increase endurance. It has the basic ingredients in the form of Sea Cucumber species of Golden Sea Cucumber (Stichopus Variegatus) which is the species with the highest nutritional content and healing properties among all Sea Cucumber species containing beneficial gamapeptides which is useful for preventing inflammation, reducing pain, accelerating wound healing, activate growth and activate cells, make skin younger and enhance beauty, stabilize emotions, and maintain blood circulation.


Increase body immunity

Relieve stomach problems

Accelerate wound healing in diabetes

Removing odor in gangrenous wounds

Relieve pain in joints

Stop bleeding in hemorrhoids

Accelerate wound healing after surgery

Accelerate wound healing after childbirth

Reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Relieve asthma

Maintaining skin beauty


Sea Cucumber (Stichopus Variegatus) Extract



Oral Consumptions

- For Health Maintenance: 1-2 tablespoons, twice a day

- For Treatment purposes: Two – three tablespoons, 3 – 4 times a day

 External Applications

Apply on affected area (wounded skin)


500 ml Gold-G Bio Sea Cucumber (Stichopus Variegatus)

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