PHOMTHONG Cream Beard Hair Mustache Sideburns Black Rapid Growth

Size 20g.

  • Condition : New
  • Net weight : 20 g
  • Quantity : 1 Pc
  • Type: Facial Hair Growth Promoter
  • Ingredients : Myriatica Fragrana Houtt, Sesame Oil, Milk butter, Green Tea Oil, Clitoria Ternatea, Coconut Oil.
  • Color : Black
100% natural Thai herbs, no chemical additives.

A naturally made herbal cream to help grow a moustache, beard, 
sideburns and eyebrows. 

 This superb formula can help thicken and fill out the facial hair
                           around the jawline, upper lip and sideburns.
                      If you suffer from patchy undeveloped facial hair then 
                    this winning formula could be your beard growth solution.

How To Use

For Adults who have some soft hair, but not beautiful, not black, do not need to shave off the soft hair and do the following:

    - Clean the area where need to be apply.

    -Apply Mustache Beard Sideburns Eyebrow cream 2 times a day by applying a thin layer to the desired area and massage until the black cream is absorbed into the skin. without rinsing 

By doing this regularly for about 2-3 weeks, soft hairs will begin to appear, then continue to apply and massage until the soft hairs are full of large hairs. and increase a lot until satisfied, then gradually stop using 

 If used regularly, it will help keep the mustache, beard, sideburns,

 eyebrows not gray and black all the time.

Normally, the results can be seen around the 3rd week.

 Small hair will appear and you can continually use for thicken facial hair.