Built and ready on the 23rd of June 2023, used for less than 2 weeks with only a handful of gaming sessions played (essentially brand new). Essentially brand new, has been wiped and ready for high end competitive gaming or advanced video editing or crypto mining / financing.Every component is the latest series' top of the line. Had this built by Scorptec but hand picked the parts myself for optimal FPS performance in games but also to be blazingly fast for video editing, etc. Component parts are shown on the last photo.This PC runs 900 FPS League of Legends and 600 FPS on Fortnite being the two games played on the few sessions had.Has a 2 year warranty.Bought for $6,699 but since it is opened out of the box, thus not being brand new, priced at $6,399 with this being very very slightly negotiable.Reason for sale is new job with demanding hours, mistake buying in first place as won't have time for games anymore.