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The factory capacity of storage products is usually based on 1TB=1000GB, 1GB=1000MB, 1MB=1000KB Computing, while mobile phones and computer operating systems use binary algorithms 1TB=1024GB, 1GB=1024MB, 1MB=1024KB. Therefore, it is normal for the displayed capacity on the storage product computer to be around 90% of the labeled capacity.
3. Regarding speed
The officially labeled speed value may not be fully reflected on your device. The actual speed is related to the usage environment (such as different device configurations, different types of file storage speeds, card readers, operating systems). Speed value is a variable, so storing products cannot guarantee the actual speed value. If the product speed does not meet the official label, it is not a quality issue. We can guarantee that the product is original!
4. Regarding after-sales service
(1) Products that meet our store's return and exchange requirements must have intact products, packaging, and accessories that do not affect secondary sales. Please confirm whether your equipment is suitable before making a purchase.
(2) Product warranty: The product has been disassembled by itself, the appearance of the product is severely worn, and the product is broken, which cannot be guaranteed.
5. Regarding data security
Products with valuable data are priceless, and any brand of stored products cannot guarantee 100% data loss. Important information should be backed up, and our store is not responsible for data loss. We can ensure that the products sold are original and authentic.