The Bewitching of Aveline JonesPhil Hickes

Art Nr.: 1474972152

ISBN 13: 9781474972154

Serie: 2

Release year: 2021

Published by: Usborne Publishing

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 196x126x19 mm

Pages: 256

Weight: 218 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Phil Hickes


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Turn on your torches and join Aveline Jones!Aveline is thrilled when she discovers that the holiday cottage her mum has rented for the summer is beside a stone circle. Thousands of years old, the local villagers refer to the ancient structure as the Witch Stones, and Aveline cannot wait to learn more about them.Then Aveline meets Hazel. Impossibly cool, mysterious yet friendly, Aveline soon falls under Hazel's spell. In fact, Hazel is quite unlike anyone Aveline has ever met before, but she can't work out why. Will Aveline discover the truth about Hazel, before it's too late The second in a deliciously spine-tingling, spooky series, where mysteries are always solved, spirits are always laid to rest, and everybody gets to bed on time.
Information of Author
Phil Hickes, illustrated by Keith Robinson
Englische Belletristik / Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur Englische Bücher / Kinderliteratur, Jugendliteratur Englisch / Kinderliteratur, Jugendliteratur Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur / Englisch Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur / Kinderliteratur / Ab 10 Jahre Gruselgeschichte / Kinderliteratur, Jugendliteratur reading book 9 year olds book 9 year olds book 10 year olds childrens book age 9-11 kids book ages 9 12 ghost stories kids mystery book kids adventure book kids spooky book children scary book kids osborne book