Jiaogulan Tea (Gynostemma Pentaphyllu) Organic 
300 Small teabags

  • New
  • jiaogulan 100%
  • No preservative, No artihicial flavoring & coloring
  • Quantity  :  10 packs = 300 sacheats

Jiaogulan (simplified Chinese: 绞股蓝; Traditional Chinese: 絞股藍; Pinyin: jiǎogǔlán; Scientific name: Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.); Other names: Chasatun, Benjakhan, Panchakhan, Sian Chao) is a plant that grows throughout Asia. The plant's characteristics are an herbaceous vine. The trunk is small and slender. Trunk that grows and branches. The joints of the trunk that lie along the soil will grow roots. The leaves are composed of palm-shaped leaves with alternating breasts. Most have 5 small leaves and small, yellow-green flowers. The fruit is quite round. Diameter 4- 7 millimeters. The part used as medicine. The above-ground parts and leaves have a bitter or sweet taste.