5.5mm+ Natural Dark Blue Purple Tanzanite Beaded Necklace / 3-Wrap Bracelet | 天然深紫蓝色坦桑石项链多圈手串



Tanzanite is a calcium and aluminum silicate, a type of zoisite. Its hues range from sky blue to deep blue with purple. From three different directions, tanzanite will show three colors: blue, purple, and tawny. With a good cut, it has a steady blue-violet hue (viewed from the top), which is stunning. The most valuable tanzanite is a deep blue-purple, extravagant and mysterious.


The material of the "Heart of the Ocean" worn by the heroine in the movie "Titanic" in 1997 is tanzanite. This gem is found in only one place in the world - Tanzania and is, therefore, rarer than diamonds. Tanzanite is the birthstone for December and is traditionally used for the 24th wedding anniversary.

1997年《泰坦尼克号》中女主角佩戴的“海洋之星”的材料就是坦桑石。这种宝石仅发现存在在世界上的唯一一个地方——坦桑尼亚,因此比钻石更稀有。坦桑石是十二月的生辰石,传统上可作为结婚 24 周年纪念礼。

Blue has never been so beautiful. Tanzanite's signature dark blue hue rivals sapphire, but its silky violet electric blue hue sets this gem apart. Tanzanite is said to have special symbolic powers that enhance perception and eliminate stagnation.


More details in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanzanite

No. 614