Dual miniature universal triode.
Designed to work as a broadband amplifier and high-frequency mixer with low noise level and in circuits of low-power amplifiers and pulse generators.
Durability not less than 1000 hours.
Weight 6N23P no more than 16 g.
Technical characteristics and electrical parameters of the 6N23P lamp:
Filament voltage 6.3 ± 0.6 V
Filament current 310 ± 25 mA
Nominal anode voltage (constant) 100 V
Anode voltage limit (constant) 300 V
Anode current of each triode 15 mA
Cathode current limit 20 mA
Cathode current limit (pulse amplitude) 200 mA
Grid voltage (DC) 9 V
Grid voltage limit (pulse amplitude) 260 V
Power dissipated by the anode, limit 1.8 W
Power dissipated by the grid, limit 0.03 W
Limit voltage between cathode and heater (constant) -200 V
Slope of characteristic of each triode 12.7 mA / V
Gain of each triode 34 ± 9
Input impedance at 200 MHz 500 Ohm
Equivalent resistance of intra-lamp noise 300 Ohm
Resistance in the cathode circuit for automatic bias 680 Ohm
Resistance in the grid circuit limit 1 megohm
Input capacitance of each triode 3.6 pF
Output capacitance of the first triode 2.1 pF
Output capacitance of the second triode 1.9 pF
Pass-through capacity of each triode 1.5 pF
Capacitance anode - cathode of each triode 0.18 pF
The capacity between the anodes is not more than 0.06 pF
Capacitance between grids no more than 0.005 pF
Glass miniature decoration