Embark on the Latest Adventures with "Gotrek & Felix: The Sixth Omnibus"...

Join the legendary duo, Gotrek and Felix, in their ongoing quest through the Warhammer world with David Guymer's "Gotrek & Felix: The Sixth Omnibus." Published as part of the esteemed Warhammer Chronicles, this collection dives deep into the lore, offering new tales of heroism, betrayal, and survival.

📘 Omnibus Features:

substantial collection that brings together a series of gripping stories, showcasing the unparalleled bravery and the complex bond between Gotrek and Felix.

🌌 Unyielding Bonds and Untold Stories:

This sixth omnibus edition not only captures the essence of Gotrek's quest for a worthy doom but also delves into Felix's struggles, ambitions, and loyalty. Each story is a testament to their growth, the battles they've fought, and the alliances they've forged or broken.

📚 Why This Edition is Indispensable:

Venture once more with Gotrek and Felix across the perilous landscapes of the Warhammer world. "Gotrek & Felix: The Sixth Omnibus" promises a journey filled with heroism, heartbreak, and the eternal quest for honor. Secure your copy today and continue the legendary exploits of Warhammer's most beloved heroes.