Cycas revoluta 5 SEEDS!!,  if more needed just ask :)

Germination Instructions

Sow indoors at any time. Prior to sowing soak seed until the seed coat splits. This may take several weeks. Sow into individual 11cm pots. Surface sow onto moist, but well-drained seed compost. Do not cover seed but press the seed into the soil, allow the split in the seed coat to be just visible above the soil line. Seed is best sown on its side. Propagate or place in a sealed clear plastic bag to maintain humidity. Ideal temp 20-25°C. Germination takes 1-3 months. Once germinated admit air and grow on indoors, a sunny window sill is ideal. If moving outside frost protection must be offered and the plant must be fully hardened off. Please wear gloves when handling this plant.

Growing Instructions

Can be pot grown as a house plant or grown outside. If grown outside young plants will require protection from cold weather with a fleece jacket. Mature plants are hardy to -8°C. If outside this plant will grow into a small tree. Prefers a well-drained soil in full sun. All parts of this plant are poisonous. Do not ingest. Also toxic to cats and dogs if ingested.