Pass Aleph-3 Fully MOSFETs Class A Power Amplifier-PCB DIY KIT & Finished Board

DIY KIT Project

To complete this project, high level knowledge of electronics and rich experience in terms of soldering and testing are required.
Due to time zone and language communication restrictions, we can only provide limited technical support, and you need to solve problems by yourself.
We do not provide information other than the product introduction page.

MOFI-Pass Aleph-3 Fully MOSFETs Class A Power Amplifier DIY KIT Project

It is based on the core circuit of the Pass.Lab Pass  Aleph-3 Power Amplifier.

Tech highlights:

Fully Discrete .

Fully Mosfets Class A.

Monarual design.

Single-Point grounding, ground resistance is close to the 0.02 ohm, low noise design.

PCB is small and flexible, very friendly for all kinds of chassis installation.

More cost-effective sound modification potential.

Total 4 Power MOSFETs per channel for power output

Maximum input voltage:4VPP

Gain: 11X

input resistance: 22K

Output Power: Class A 18-26Wate 8Ω

Recommend to use CRC filter after rectifier

Product configuration

DIY kit: Contains the PCB and the components needed on the PCB, Contains two output power configurations (18W or 26W).

Finished board: Based on the well-tested board on the standard version kit, we verified all key points' voltage, and used the signal generator and oscilloscope for analog waveform double verification. We will not use this board for listening test.

All finished pcbs are all carefully hand-soldered and fully tests, so the price is higher and less cost performance. Price-sensitive consumers but with have DIY ability are recommended to choose the kit.

Schematic & key point of debugging

PCB comes with component parameters for easy installation.

We only refer the schematic of the amplification part of the circuit. If you need full circuit parameter, please read the component value with the PCB by yourself; we do not provide additionally.

please keep test point voltage close enough to it, +-20% is also permitted.

DIY KIT Instructions

Since the PCB holes are plated through, you only need to solder the parts from the bottom of the board. Do not drill or enlarge the holes because that would damage the through-plating.

Clean both sides of the blank PCB with paper towel and isopropyl alcohol or electronics flux remover, then solder the components to the board, starting with the lowest profile parts.

Make sure the correct part goes into each position on the circuit board. Measure each resistor with your multimeter to ensure it's the proper value.

Clean up the solder flux residue from the board with isopropyl alcohol (or electronics flux remover) and a brush.

Inspect all solder connections carefully, using a magnifying glass, to make sure there are no solder bridges or cold solder joints. Use a multimeter in ohms scale to check for short circuits. As a minimum, you should verify that the V+ and V- DC inputs are not shorted to ground, or to each other, and that the output pad isn't shorted to ground. Correct any mistakes before proceeding to the next phase.

please prepare external heatsink.

Parts list

1.Every parcel will be registered with tracking number. 

2.International shipping requires complicated shipping procedures (such as both countries customs, transit stations etc.), also will be affected by many factors, such as holidays, weather conditions et. If the transportation time is not normal, please contact us.