
What is cupping massage?

Cupping massage is a modern type of old cupping therapy. During the cupping massage, gentle suction stimulates blood circulation and detoxification, which nourishes and smooths the skin.

People get it for many purposes, including to support pain, inflammation, blood circulation, relaxation and well-being as well as a kind of deep massage.

Cupping therapy is very popular in the world, dating back to ancient Chinese cultures.

A more modern version of cupping uses a rubber pump instead of fire to create the vacuum in the cup.

Sometimes therapists use silicone cups that can move them from place to place on your skin for a massage-like effect. Proponents of cupping therapy believe that moist cupping removes harmful substances and toxins from the body to promote healing.

This is similar to the results of a 2012 report published in PLoS One. Australian and Chinese researchers reviewed 135 studies on cupping. They concluded that cupping therapy can be effective when people also receive other treatments such as acupuncture for various diseases and conditions.

How to use:

Step 1: Apply some cellulite lotion or massage oil or cream to the affected skin areas.

Step 2: Put the cup on the skin, lightly press the middle of the cup, then press the lip of the cup against the skin and release it to create a vacuum.

Step 3: Start with light suction and gradually increase suction to stimulate blood circulation. Gently move the cup onto the skin with straight and circular movements and massage each target area for 8-10 minutes.

Step 4: Repeat all the above steps daily for the best results.

Get health signals from the colour of the cupping brands:

Purple dark in preserves: generally indicates insufficient blood supply and blood congestion

Tins are purple printed and accompanied by plaques: generally indicate cold blood and blood congestion

Canned goods are purple and scattered in dots with different shades: refers to a stagnation of the air

Canned goods are bright red and bright: In general, yin deficiency, blood shortage or yin fire is wealthy

Dark red print on canned food: refers to high blood fats and heat evils

Canned goods are grey, cannot feel the temperature: usually empty or damp

Streaks or itching on the canvas surface: Indicates wind or moisture

√ There is water vapour on the inner wall of the can: This means that there is moisture in the part

√ There will be bubbles: This means that the body is heavy with moisture. When the bubbles are bloody, it is a reaction of damp heat

Human acupuncture point card

Our instruction manual contains acupuncture point cards of the human body, which clearly tell you where to cupp.

How to clean the cup?

We recommend cleaning once per use. You can wash them by hand, then put them in hot soapy water and dry.

Cost efficient

This is a real and effective massage therapy, it costs very little, why not want to try it?


Transparenter Plastikbecher
Kunststoffmaterial, bruchsicher, langlebig und robust. Transparenter Körper zur Beobachtung des Tassenaufdrucks und der Wirkung des Schröpfens.
Mit 32 verschiedenen Saugnapfgrößen, Saugpumpe und Zubehör. Einige U-Form Cup-Design, geeignet für alle Teile des Körpers, erfüllen die Bedürfnisse des Kunden sehr.
Es wird mit einem Rohr geliefert, das mit der Luftabzugspistole und dem Becher verbunden ist und mit einer Hand bedient werden kann. Vakuum-Luftpumpen, kein Feuer zu verwenden, vermeiden Sie Ihre Haut zu verletzen.
Prinzip der Behandlung
Effektive Magnetfeldtherapie kombiniert mit Schröpfgerät, Saugnapf auf der Hautoberfläche adsorbieren, effektiv die Feuchtigkeit im Körper beseitigen, Müdigkeit lindern und die Funktion des Körpers verbessern.
Treffen Sie auf die folgenden Symptome zu:
Geeignet zur Behandlung von Bauchschmerzen, Durchfall, Kopfschmerzen, Rückenschmerzen, Zahnschmerzen, Torticollis, Weichteilverletzungen usw.

Typ: Vakuum-Schröpfkit
Material: Kunststoff
Menge: 1 Set
Einzelteil-Farbe: Wie gezeigt
Cup Außendurchmesser: 7 cm, 6 cm, 5,2 cm, 4,5 cm, 3,6 cm, 5,5 cm, 4,3 cm
Vakuumpumpengröße: 20,5 * 9 * 4,4 cm / 8,1 * 3,5 * 1,7 "(L * B * H)
Rohrlänge verlängern: 69cm

Nettogewicht: 0,85 kg


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