Enhance the health and vitality of your aquarium inhabitants with our premium Catappa Leaves! Sourced from natural Indian almond trees, these leaves are renowned for their remarkable benefits in maintaining a pristine aquatic environment.

Naturally processed
The Cattapa leaves (cattapa Terminalia) that we sell are cleaned and sun dried then packed to be distributed worldwide.

Catappa leaves release beneficial substances such as tannins, humic acids, and flavonoids into the water, creating a natural habitat that mimics the conditions of a tropical river. These organic compounds possess antimicrobial properties, effectively inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi.

Aids water purification
Not only do Catappa leaves aid in water purification, but they also promote fish health and vitality. The presence of tannins helps to reduce stress in fish, enhancing their immune system and overall well-being. Additionally, these leaves provide a natural shelter for shy or breeding fish, creating a tranquil and secure environment.

Simply add Catappa leaves to your aquarium to experience the benefits of this natural water purifier. Watch as your fish thrive in a cleaner, healthier habitat, reminiscent of their native waters. Elevate your aquatic experience with our premium Catappa Leaves today!

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Benefits / benefits of Malaya Ketapang leaves for Betta Fish:
- Able to lower the Ph/Acid value in alkaline water, suitable for fish that like low PH
- Acts as  anti-bacteria that can cause disease to fish
- Treating fish wounds
- Prevents fish from getting sick
- Optimizing fish health
- Stimulates the formation of foam by male fish during mating 
- Absorbs and deoxidizes chemicals found in water such as heavy metals (copper, zinc, aluminum, cadmium)
- The fish will feel like they are in their natural dark habitat
- Beautiful tail growth and restore fins, tail and damaged skin
- Reduce fish stress/depression. An example of what is meant by stress is a fish sitting quietly without moving.
- Comfortable and comfortable water conditions for Southeast Asian fish.
- As food crystal shrimp, cherry shrimp, etc

Advantages of ketapang leaves for Betta fish:
Ketapang leaves are able to lower the pH value in alkaline water. It is also able to kill bacteria, act as an anti-fungal and anti-fungal agent, improve water quality and act as a tonic for use in the aquarium.
Because of this, the fighting fish will become active when dry ketapang leaves are placed into water. Ketapang leaf absorbing water will contain organic acids such as humic and tannin. These organic acids will reduce the pH value of the water as well as absorb and deoxidize some types of heavy metals such as zinc, aluminum and copper. Ketapang leaves can not only be used to keep your betta healthy and active, it can also be used as a natural ingredient to treat and prevent fish diseases. For example, in Thailand, ketapang leaves are widely used as an ingredient to treat the wounds of Siamese fighting fish after fighting.

1. Take a piece or cut into smaller pieces of DRY cattapa leaf and place it in a container/aquarium filled with water.
2. Place leaf into the aquarium. Use proportionately according to the size of the aquarium.
Note: Cattapa leaf contains tannin and will change the color of the water to yellowish amber color.
3. Can be used when the fish is sick/stressed
4. Can also be used for healthy fish to prevent disease
6. Recommended to change leaves every 1-2 weeks

Each leaf Size: approximately +- 12"- 15"