Portrait Painting Oil on Paper with Mario A. Robinson - DVD 
Oil painting on paper rather than canvas is a truly unique experience. In this video workshop with Mario Robinson, you’ll discover how to paint an oil portrait from life directly onto paper instead of canvas. Learn how to choose the right pose and lighting for the model.

Explore oil painting techniques including establishing washy under paintings, developing values, and completing the final details. This video workshop provides you with the tools and techniques to painting an oil portrait step-by-step.
About Mario Robinson
Mario A. Robinson was born in Altus, Oklahoma, where he resided with his family before relocating to New Jersey at the age of twelve. His artistic gift was discovered by a fifth grade teacher who sparked a creative explosion that led to study at the prestigious Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York.

Mario's work has a timeless and universal quality and exhibits a turn-of-the-century aesthetic. A brand ambassador for Winsor & Newton and a member of several art societies including Signature status in the Pastel Society of America, you can find his work featured in several publications including The Artist's Magazine, The Pastel Journal, and Watercolor Artist.