About this item
  • 1. THE NATURAL CHOICE - At Harringtons, we believe every dog deserves natural food that's balanced, wholesome and tasty. From puppies to seniors to special diets, we make a range that's perfect for you
  • 2. RICH IN LAMB - Harringtons Lamb & Rice Dry Dog Food 15kg is a complete adult dog food that has been carefully formulated using all natural ingredients to provide wholesome nutrition for your dog
  • 3. NO NASTIES - The #1 ingredient in our dry dog food is meat, for a nutritionally balanced meal. And we never use artificial colour and flavours or added wheat
  • 4. CARING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT - As part of our efforts to keep packaging to a minimum and help send less packaging waste to landfill, this pack is 100% polyethylene and can be recycled
  • 5. MADE IN THE UK – Harringtons dog food is proudly made by ourselves right here in the UK and has been family run since 1923
  • Rich in Lamb & Rice
  • The natural choice
  • Natural ingredients

From the manufacturer

proper nosh at a proper price - harringtons the natural choice

Dry dog food made with natural ingredients

harringtons dry dog food

Complete, wholesome and 100% natural - Harringtons dog food is the healthy everyday choice for every dog. Our all-natural dog food is packed with goodness and flavour to keep your dog happy and well.

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The #1 ingredient is freshly-prepared meat, for a nutritionally balanced meal. And we never use artificial colour and flavours or added wheat. No nasties. No surprises. Just natural, wholesome goodness.