Hotel delivery available in Japan Penguin Normal Suica Prepaid IC card JR East


We will deliver to your home or hotel throughout Japan.
If you are in a hurry, we can arrange to have your package picked up at a domestic hotel or airport post office.

We will respond up to 5 days before your desired date.
If you are staying at a hotel, please let us know the name and address of the hotel and the dates of your stay.
Please note that post offices are only able to pick up packages from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.
Please let us know the name of the airport you are planning to arrive at and the date and time of your arrival.

Tracking is only provided when purchasing 2 or more items.
Please note that if you purchase a single item, tracking is not possible.

If you wish to have the item delivered to your home, please understand that it will take approximately 10 days from the expected arrival date before purchasing.

How to use Suica: