King Amenemhat III - Rare Egyptian Statue of Ancient Pharaonic Antiquities 1820BC

King Amenemhat III of the 12th Dynasty Reign: c. 1818-1770 BC

King Amenemhat III, also known as Amenemmes III, was a prominent pharaoh of ancient Egypt’s Middle Kingdom. His reign marked the peak of economic prosperity, largely due to his innovative water management projects in the Al-Fayyūm depression southwest of Cairo. He completed a system to regulate the inflow of water into Lake Moeris, transforming the area into fertile agricultural land.

Amenemhat III was also renowned for his architectural achievements, including the construction of the labyrinth described by Herodotus, located near his pyramid at Hawara in Al-Fayyūm. This multifunctional edifice served as a palace, temple, town, and administrative center.

His reign was characterized by peace and stability, allowing him to focus on extensive building programs and mining operations. He worked the turquoise mines at Sinai and quarries throughout Egypt and Nubia, securing resources for his construction projects.

This statue of King Amenemhat III is a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of the era, capturing the regal presence of a pharaoh who led Egypt through a golden age of prosperity and cultural development.

Shipment: DHL Fast Shipping 4-12 Days with track number.
Condition: Good Condition As shown in pictures.
Provenance: Stone in the Desert of the Egyptian City of Luxor.
Returns: we refund you money after you return the piece.