Professionally cleaned, restored, and upgraded Game Boy Advance with the new OSD V5 Laminated IPS Screen, now featuring cutting-edge enhancements for an unparalleled gaming experience.

The laminated screen eliminates any gap between the display and the lens, ensuring dust-free gameplay. Enjoy uninterrupted sessions without any distractions.

Say goodbye to the days of squinting at your screen in dim lighting. Our Game Boy Advance has been meticulously upgraded with a new slightly larger backlit 3.0" 720x480 OSD V5 Laminated IPS Screen. With its crystal-clear display and vibrant colors, you'll rediscover your favorite games in stunning clarity.

The new IPS screen contains three times the pixel count compared to the original screen - for perfect 3:1 integer scaling - with brighter, more vibrant colors and a wider viewing range.

No waiting necessary - our systems are in-hand and ready to ship immediately.

Please note that this package includes the console only. Games and batteries are not included.

Have any questions? Feel free to reach out to us.

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