Osprey Warrior Series:

 CHINDIT 1942-45 - Jungle War In Burma

  • Named after mythical beasts guarding Buddhist temples, the Chindits were a specially organized, equipped and trained body of men employing innovative fighting methods based on ideas originally developed in Palestine and Ethiopia by their commander, Major-General Orde Wingate.
  • The two Chindit operations (LONGCLOTH in February - May 1943 and THURSDAY starting in March 1944) were praised by the press, but their contribution to the Allied cause remains controversial to this day. This book examines the origins of the Chindits and the genesis of Major-General Wingate's ideas about Long Range Penetration. The author discusses the recruitment and specialist fighting methods of the Chindits during 1943-45.
  • Accompanied by full-color illustrations demonstrating the distinctive dress, equipment and weapons, this book assesses the contribution made by these elite troops to the Allied victory in South-East Asia during World War II.


Autor: Tim Moremann, Osprey Publishing, 64 Seiten, ErstausgabeFull color artwork, photographs, unrivaled detail, clothing and equipment.

Versand & Verpackung: € 2,00  Shipping & packing within EU, DHL large letter: € 3,95 

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