New York Daily News 19 March 1976 Patty Hurst Yogi Berra Toyota Corolla Ad More!

New York Daily News (New Jersey Edition) - Friday, March 19, 1976. This old newspaper features on the front page a picture of Yogi Berra at Yankees practice. The headline is: 'Patty Sum-Up Gov't: Story It Too Incredible; Defense: Case Is Full Of Doubt' What you see in the pictures is what you get.

Volume 57, Number 230.

All 100 pages are included - please note the tearing / wear around the edges - LOOK AT THE PICTURES!

Some of the contents:

  • 'Forest Officials Draw Callaway Probe Fire' - Former Army Secretary Howard (Bo) Callaway improperly used public office for favorable treatment. . .
  • 'U.S. Calls Patty Story Too Incredible' - The prosecution asked the jury to convict Patricia Hurst of bank robbery because her story was just too incredible.
  • 'Viet Orphans in a Melting Pot of Problems' - Operation Babylift - a court case and controversy over the orphans airlifted from Vietman to the US during the fall of Saigon
  • 'Heart-Death Study OKs Coffee' - No problem with heart health after drinking a lot of coffee
  • 'Selection of Joanne Jury Set for April 26' - Joanne Chesimard aka Assata Shakur's jury will be selected in her murder trial.
  • Lots of ads for 1970's electronics: Console TVs, 8-Track Players, cassette player/recorder, and more!
  • Chevrolet has a full page ad for new Monza Towne Coupe and the Vega
  • The centerfold has several pictures of a coastal house toppled by a storm, firemen rescuing people and pets from a burning building, Yoko Yamamoto, the soon to be opened Roosevelt Island tramway, and the three finalists in a cigar company-sponsored beauty contest.
  • There are movie ads for Killer Force (with OJ Simpson), The Street Fighter, Taxi Driver, Blazing Saddles, and more!
  • Ed McMahon is in an ad for a new AMC Pacer for only $3499
  • A full page ad for the Toyota Corolla 'A Car That's Inexpensive, Not Cheap'
  • The sports section has coverage of college basketball and more!
  • The back page features a pictures of NCAA tournament.
  • and much more!

Good used condition for a pushing 50 year old newspaper! Please note the tearing / wear around the edges, all 100 pages are included - LOOK AT THE PICTURES!

Because it is expensive to do business on ebay, all of our items are also listed elsewhere (for less dinero) and we reserve the right to end this listing early in the event of a sale somewhere else!