These are extra strength concentrated oil based liquid stains, designed for direct application or tinting of lacquer. They can be thinned with thinner or mixed with other colors. Each Bottle is 30ml

Note : These stains dissolves in paint thinner and do not dissolve in water or alcohol or mineral spirits.

I have been doing restoration, refinishing, aging work for many years. The attached pictures shows some of the actual pieces delivered to my customers and the actual stains that were used with achieve them. 

I cannot guarantee that you will achieve the same results due to  the experience ,  equipment and resources available. But it is through these very basic stains that many pieces are created. 


  1. Prepare wood surface where stain is to be applied by sanding with 180-300 grit sandpaper. Keep surface dry.
  2. Add stain to container using small spoon or coffee stirrer
    For Direct Application: Add thinner before adding appropriate amount of stain. Use a paint brush, cotton balls or rags for application. Wear gloves to keep fingers from being stained
    For Spraying Application: Add stain into the pre mixed lacquer/thinner solution.
  3. These stains can be mixed with other colors to produce and endless range.