1PC Yaskawa SGMJV-04A3M61 Servo Motor SGMJV04A3M61 New Expedited Shipping
1PC Yaskawa SGMJV-04A3M61 Servo Motor SGMJV04A3M61 New Expedited Shipping
We accept PayPal only for online business.
We will ship worldwide mostly by DHL, UPS, FedEx and if you would like to use other shipping services please let us know.
SpeedPAK about 7-12days
Economy shipping about 9-30days.
All the products we are selling include factory warranty, don't cover items that have been abused, burned and damaged in any form.
We are increasingly expanding international markets based on quality products, excellent service.
If you have any questions contact us. We will help you solve. Please do not worry. Thank you!!