Saving Sorya - Chang and the Sun BearNguyen Thi Thu Trang

Art Nr.: 0753448343

ISBN 13: 9780753448342

Subtitle: Winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustration 2023

Release year: 2023

Published by: Pan Macmillan

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 256x185x10 mm

Pages: 112

Weight: 410 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Nguyen Thi Thu Trang


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Born Free for a new generation.
Information of Author
Trang Nguyen is a Vietnamese wildlife conservationist, environmental activist and writer, known for tackling the illegal wildlife trade in Africa and Asia. She graduated with her PhD in Biodiversity Management at the University of Kent, England. In 2018, Trang was featured in the documentary film Stroop: Journey into the Rhino Horn War alongside Jane Goodall. She was selected for BBC¿s 100 Women of 2019 list and for the 2020 Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list. Trang is the founder and executive director of WildAct, an NGO that monitors the illegal wildlife trade markets and provides conservation education programmes for Vietnamese youth. She is also a member of the IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group, which promotes the conservation of bears living in their natural habitats around the world. Saving H'non: Chang and the Elephant is her second children¿s book, and the follow-up to Saving Sorya: Chang and the Sun Bear.
Comic / Kindercomic, Jugendcomic Englische Bücher / Kinderliteratur, Jugendliteratur / Sachbuch Natur / Kindersachbuch Umwelt / Kindersachbuch, Jugendsachbuch Vietnam - Vietnamesisch Comic JUVENILE NONFICTION / Animals / Endangered activism empowerment conservation environment wildlife trade bears graphic novel reference jungle illustrated book for kids animal book for children animal rescue women heroes female heroes inspiring Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustration