2lbs. Live Russian Comfrey Plant Crowns - Bocking #4

This Bocking #4 strain of Russian comfrey (Symphytum Peregrinum), a dynamic accumulator is rich in Silicon, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Iodine & Trace Minerals. A high 22%-33% Protein with a very high level of allantoin while low in Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids makes it a great fodder for livestock including chickens, ducks, goats & cattle.  

Creates large biomass for feed, compost, compost tea, chop & drop, worm beds etc.  The flowers are a good source of honey bee forage.  Bocking #4 roots can grow down 8-10 feet which makes is highly drought resistant.

Russian Bocking comfrey produces light purple flowers that are sterile and do not produce viable seed and are non invasive unlike common comfrey.  You can produce more plants by division and cuttings.

Each crown has at least one growth point and gets established faster than regular roots. 100% organically grown in healthy living soil.  We use no pesticides or herbicides. 

Photos are a representation of what you will receive.  These crowns are shipped USPS the same day they are dug.