Blue Lotus Nymphaea Caerulea Natural Organic Hand Picked Dried Flower 5000g Pack

Blue Lotus Flowers have significant importance in various cultural aspects of ancient Egypt. Blue Lotus was the first plant to be used as a party plant. This plant can still be found on the walls of ancient tombs, so researchers believe that the effects of Blue Lotus were also used for religious purposes.

Ancient paintings, showing Blue Lotus and wine together, have shown that Egyptians used this plant to make tinctures and alcoholic beverages. 

There are plenty of ways to use Blue Lotus, such as in the form of absolute oil, essential oil, resin, powder, extract, tinctures, wine, and tea.

Blue Lotus tea is prepared from the blue lily flower, which has a medicinal profile. The Blue Lotus is a very spirituous fragrance and is an alluring flower that has been used as Herbal tea to cure a lot of issues since ancient Egyptian times. Nowadays, Blue Lotus Tea is considered a mind-altering drink, which benefits you a lot. In ancient times, Blue Lotus Tea was considered both medicinal and recreational. It has many medicinal properties that help cure restless sleep, increase anxiety levels, and have some mild aphrodisiac effects as well.

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea) is a plant that has been used for centuries for its potential therapeutic benefits. While scientific research on its effects is limited, here are some key potential benefits associated with Blue Lotus:

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Blue Lotus is known for its mild sedative properties, which may help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. It is often used as a natural remedy for calming the mind and promoting a sense of tranquility.

Improved Sleep

Some individuals use Blue Lotus to aid in sleep. Its relaxing properties may help alleviate insomnia and improve the quality of #sleep when consumed as a tea or supplement before bedtime.

Mood Enhancement

Blue Lotus is believed to have #mood-enhancing effects. It may help uplift one's spirits and promote a sense of well-being, making it a potential natural remedy for mild mood disorders.

Pain Relief

Traditional herbal medicine has used Blue Lotus as an #analgesic, suggesting it may have pain-relieving properties. It could be useful for individuals seeking natural #pain management.

Enhanced Focus and Concentration

Some users report increased mental clarity and improved concentration when using Blue Lotus. It may help sharpen focus and cognitive function, although more research is needed in this area.

Aphrodisiac Properties 

In certain cultures, Blue Lotus has been considered an #aphrodisiac and has been used to enhance #libido and sexual experiences.

Antioxidant Activity

Blue Lotus contains antioxidants, which can help protect the body from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants are important for overall health and may contribute to anti-aging effects.

Respiratory Health

Some traditional uses of Blue Lotus involve addressing respiratory issues like #coughs and bronchitis. It is believed to have soothing properties that can alleviate these symptoms.

Anti-Inflammatory Potential

While more research is needed, there is some evidence to suggest that Blue Lotus may possess.

Note - If you are the buyer who looking for a bulk buying. We can supply any amount of Dried Blue Lotus with Bulk price. Please let us know if you are interested. More than 3 Kg we offer standard shipping.