Title :    DAREDEVIL

Subtitle :  

Number :     See title          

Editor:   SEMIC FRANCE           

Language : French

State : Like new, has never been read. It's a first hand, I've been collecting comics since the age of 10 and I'm getting rid of them little by little. I collected all the comics from LUG / SEMIC editions with superheroes. I only read Strange, Titans and Special Strange, being careful not to open them too much so as not to risk damaging them, all the other comics I only bought and placed in my collection without even reading them. This comic is therefore nickel and has never been read .

Defects noted: None

Legal Deposit :    Early 90s


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     above 13 BDs purchased the fees will no longer change, remaining the same as for 13 BDs



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From 2 comics I reserve the right to impose tracking or registered mail as obligatory depending on the amount of the purchase, I do not want to penalize you for small purchases with insurance that is not very useful, but if the comics have a certain value I do not want there to be any risk of loss which would not be covered.

Check out my  In the Shop there is a search system which also allows you to search for a particular OBJECT just by giving its number or name for example. Example : STRANGE 125



 FREE SHIPPING FOR ANY PURCHASE OF A MINIMUM OF 3 COMICS (Reserved for mainland France) paid in a single transaction, this offer will only be valid and will only apply if you put all the comics in your basket before validating it and making your payment.

State : Like new, has never been read. It's a first hand, I've been collecting comics since the age of 10 and I'm getting rid of them little by little. I collected all the comics from LUG / SEMIC editions with superheroes. I only read Strange, Titans and Special Strange, being careful not to open them too much so as not to risk damaging them, all the other comics I only bought and placed in my collection without even reading them. This comic is therefore nickel and has never been read . Please note that a Tracked shipment that is lost does not give rise to any refund, as soon as I can prove with the postal tracking number that I sent it. Even if the post office indicates that the recipient did not receive it because it was lost on the way. Only registered mail will allow you to be reimburs