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50PCS/Pkt Seeds New Mix-color Bougainvillea Santa Rita Bonsai Flowers   (Germination rate: HighPackage: Professionalbuganvilla bugambilia attractive butterfly light up your garden)

Product description:

Bougainvillea belongs to one of the most beautiful flowering plants and pleases others with bright bracts. The plant is well suited for home breeding and is able to enliven even the most dreary landscape.

Bougainvillea (Latin: Bougainvillea) was discovered and described by the French botanist Philibert Commerson, who, while on a round-the-world expedition, discovered it in the forests of southern Brazil. The flower owes its name to the leader of this campaign, Louis Antoine de Bougainville, after whom it was named. The discovery of the species dates back to 1768, and since 1861 the plant has been cultivated in Europe, Asia and Australia.

Bougainvillea was especially loved by the inhabitants of France and Italy and she herself perfectly perceived the climate of these countries. Tourists and travelers admire the climbing plants that literally entwine houses every time, and are amazed at the variety of colors and shapes. The flower is planted as a hedge, used to form bonsai and is often used in landscape design.

Bougainvillea belongs to the family of Nictaginaceae and is an evergreen climbing shrub, reaching a height of 5 m in the natural environment. The leaves have alternate arrangement and smooth whole edges, and the flowers are rather featureless and little noticeable. Wide and bright bracts painted in purple, bright pink, purple, yellow and pale white colors give the plant a high decorative effect.

The plant is well suited for indoor and greenhouse cultivation and is often used as strains.

Instructions for planting and care:

In order for Bougainvillea to develop correctly and delight others with its gorgeous color, it is necessary to pay special attention to creating comfortable conditions for it.

Location selection and illumination

The best place for Bougainvillea will be an insulated loggia or a winter garden. Growing a flower on windowsills is also possible, but in this case it will have to constantly limit its growth and regularly prune. In the summer, if there is such an opportunity, it is desirable to move the plant outside. This is usually done in late spring or early summer, when the threat of late frosts has already passed, and daytime street temperatures have equaled room temperatures.

It is necessary to accustom the plant to the street gradually, exposing it for several hours and protecting it with the help of lutrasil from wind and direct sunlight. Every day, the duration of the flower's stay on the street is increased, and after 2-3 weeks it is completely transferred to street maintenance.

If this requirement is neglected and put a houseplant outside without adaptation, then the flower will quickly lose its foliage and lose its decorative effect.

After the bougainvillea gets used to the street, you can put it in a sunny place closed from drafts and leave it until autumn. It is advisable not to shade the bush with other plants and not to move it from place to place. This is especially true of the flowering time: it is highly undesirable to rotate or move the plant during this period. The flower needs a 6-hour exposure to direct ultraviolet rays and even minor shading is very painful.

Temperature and humidity

Bougainvillea belongs to very thermophilic cultures and does not tolerate cold. The optimum temperature for indoor cultivation is considered to be above 23 degrees in summer, and at least 15 degrees in winter. From October to March, the flower should be at rest, necessary for the rest of the plant and its preparation for the new vegetative season.

While maintaining high room temperatures in winter, there is a risk that the plant will not "fall asleep". This will negatively affect its further development and can cause very poor flowering, and in some cases its complete absence. Therefore, the organization of rest is an important condition for the normal growth and development of the flower.

In order to send the plant for the winter, watering is reduced from the beginning of October and the flower is moved to a cool, but at the same time quite bright place. The temperature of the substrate should not fall below 5 degrees, otherwise the roots will freeze and the Bougainvillea will die. During the dormant period, the plant usually sheds its foliage and rests. At the end of February, the flower is returned to a warm room and gradually brought out of its dormant state.

As for the humidity of the air, the bush feels great at room temperature of 50-60%, which is due to the relatively dry and sunny climate in the homeland of the plant. On summer days, bougainvillea can be sprayed, and trying to do it so that water drops do not fall on the bracts. With prolonged or prolonged drizzling rains, the flower is protected from an overabundance of moisture, and ideally, it is brought into the house.

In the autumn and winter periods, spraying is repeatedly reduced or stopped altogether.

Bougainvillea is considered a rather unpretentious plant and needs the most ordinary care, including watering, fertilizing and transplanting.


In the summer months, the plant requires abundant and timely watering. It is necessary to focus, first of all, on the state of the substrate and in no case allow the earthen coma to dry out. The air temperature must also be taken into account, and when it decreases, watering should be reduced. This is due to the fact that the plant does not tolerate cold dampness and, staying in such conditions, may lose its foliage. Half an hour after watering, excess moisture from the pallets must be drained, otherwise the roots may rot.

In winter, when the bougainvillea is at rest, the frequency of watering is significantly reduced, trying to prevent the drying of the tops of the shoots and the weakening of the turgor. By the end of February, the intensity of humidification is gradually increased, and after the flower awakens, they switch to summer mode.

Sometimes an increase in watering and the winter bright sun provokes bougainvillea to early flowering, and beautiful bracts appear on bare branches. There is no need to worry in this case, the bush will quickly fade and continue to develop according to seasonality.


When grown indoors in pots, bougainvillea needs regular transplanting: she quickly builds up the root system and the capacity becomes small for her. At the same time, the roots are in a cramped state, and the flower slows down its growth. The new pot should be 2-3 cm wider than the previous one and must have drainage holes.

The soil for transplanting bougainvillea is purchased in the store or prepared independently. To do this, garden soil or turf is mixed with leaf humus and river sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1, and a little vermiculite or charcoal is added. A layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the pot and a little substrate is poured on top.

Then, by the method of transshipment, the plant is transferred to a new pot, trying to preserve the earthen lump as much as possible, and the soil is filled in. The procedure is performed in early spring, immediately after the flower awakens from hibernation. If the bougainvillea feels great and does not show signs of depression, then you do not need to touch it. In this case, the transplant can be postponed for another year, carefully replacing the top layer of the earth with a new one. So, young, actively growing specimens up to the age of 3-4 years are transplanted every year, and older plants are transplanted every 2-3 years.

After transplantation, the bougainvillea is abundantly watered, the green mass is sprayed with "Epin" or "Zircon" and removed to a bright place. If a purchased nutrient substrate was used for transplanting a bush, then no fertilizing should be done for 2-3 months. This is due to the fact that the soil already contains the necessary amount of micro- and macroelements, and saturation with them can lead to root burns and death of the flower.

Top dressing

Bougainvillea is fed throughout the growing season, using mineral complex fertilizers, for example, "Agricole", and during the period of active growth – a solution of mullein or humus. When using ready-made preparations, preference is given to compositions with a low nitrogen content, since its overabundance provokes an active increase in green mass, as a result of which flowering may become impoverished.

From the second half of summer, solutions of preparations with a high content of phosphorus and potassium are used to improve flowering, diluting them in half the concentration from that indicated on the package.

Pruning and crown formation

The bougainvillea should be pruned regularly. Firstly, this procedure promotes the emergence of new shoots and renewal of the plant. And secondly, a well-formed crown significantly increases the decorative properties of the flower and makes it very attractive. Weak, damaged and dry shoots are cut off first, and then strong healthy annual stems are shortened by half.

The plant is cut off either in early spring, before it begins to actively grow and bloom, or in mid-summer, between the first and second waves of flowering, while not forgetting to pinch the faded shoots, leaving 4-6 buds on them.


For the propagation of bougainvillea, seeds, cuttings and lateral layering are used.


The seed method is used very rarely, which is associated with the risk of loss of parental characteristics and degeneration of the plant. First, the seeds are soaked in "Zircon" or "Epin", and then spread on a substrate prepared from sand and peat taken in equal parts. The soil is calcined in the oven at a temperature of 220 degrees for 15 minutes before planting. Then the landing is sprayed from a spray gun and covered with a film or glass. Ideally, the container should be equipped with a bottom heating that maintains the temperature of the substrate at 27 degrees.

Periodically, the soil is moistened, and the plant is ventilated. After the first shoots appear, which usually happens after 2 months, the glass is removed and seedlings are grown in the usual way. After 2 leaves appear on the young shoots, they are dived into different containers and transferred to a general care regime.

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We do not have seed delivery in the USA. Worldwide delivery - 18-30 days.

Order processing time within 1-2 business day. If the order is received within the last hour of our business hours, it is likely that the order will be processed within the next business day.

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