Multi-nutrient liquid lawn fertilizer for continuously green lawns and sustained health. Green Machine is an all-season fertilizer, meticulously formulated to maintain continuous lawn health for all grass types. Packed with an essential nutrient mix, including nitrogen for growth, iron for greening, and potash for soil fortification, it ensures active growth throughout various seasons. Ideal for any lawn type, Green Machine encourages consistently lush, green grass. Consciously formulated without pesticides, champions planet-friendly solutions for your lawn's most pressing lawn and climate challenges.
  • 22-0-3 NPK (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium) liquid lawn fertilizer
  • Formulated to sustain strong growth and deep green color
  • Ideal for regular lawn feeding and maintenance
  • Nitrogen for growth, iron for greening, and potash for overall lawn health
  • Made for all common grass types
  • Zero pesticides
  • User-friendly hose-on application
  • Covers up to 5,000 sq. ft.