Bandai Shokugan Modeling Project Brave Express Might Gaine Goryu

Bandai Shokugan Modeling Project Brave Express Might Gaine Goryu

Goryu from Brave Express Might Gaine joins the line-up Bandai SMP (SHOKUGAN MODELING PROJECT), plastic model kit, full action and 19cm tall once assembled. Full color printed snap-on kit that requires no glue or paint to complete.

Prestalia e-commerce solutions.
Bandai Shokugan Modeling Project Brave Express Might Gaine Goryu Bandai Shokugan Modeling Project Brave Express Might Gaine Goryu Goryu from Brave Express Might Gaine joins the line-up Bandai SMP (SHOKUGAN MODELING PROJECT), plastic model kit, full action and 19cm tall once assembled. Full color printed snap-on kit that requires no glue or paint to complete. Prestalia e-commerce solutions.