Natural High Quality Pietersite Bracelet, 7mm Round Pietersite Beaded Bracelet. This bracelet contains 7mm round high quality natural Pietersite gemstone beads with multiple color shades of blue, yellow, white, and orange. 

A kaleidoscopic squall of golds, browns, blues and blacks, pietersite represents transformation and necessary chaos. Sometimes, life is like a storm, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful. Pietersite reminds us of the beauty to be found in change and transformation.

This uniquely shaded stone was discovered by Sid Pieters in 1962, who named it after his father Louis Pieters. A member of the quartz family, pietersite is a silicified Riebeckite with traces of Limonite.

The dominant meaning of pietersite is transformation. The shifting colors and swirls that seem to dance in the light make pietersite a powerful symbol for change, allowing us to use it as support for seasons of great adjustment or flux.

Pietersite also represents strength and willpower, allowing us to push through the discomfort of change and find fulfilment on the other side. People that are going through a period of deep personal transformation will often be drawn to this stone.

The pietersite stone is also known to amplify imagination and dreams. Using it as a tool for enhancing your mind’s eye can result in a deeper sense of self-awareness and clarity of mind.

From an emotional and spiritual standpoint, pietersite can also provide healing. Feelings of low confidence can be transformed into courage, and any lack of inspiration can be uplifted through the regular use of this stone. It may also stimulate strange and prophetic dreams.

Because its swirling colors resemble a storm, pietersite is known as tempest stone. Pietersite is said to center on the spiritual being with the ability to ground an individual to the etheric body--the first or lowest layer in the "human energy field" or aura. Pietersite discharges negative energies and emotional turmoil while cleansing the aura, restoring it to calm. Pietersite is thought to work with the body during meditation, rapidly moving into a higher state of awareness. Pietersite is believed to be a stone of vision and can be used for a vision quest or shaman journey. According to metaphysical beliefs, pietersite promotes a concerted activation of the sacral and solar plexus chakras, as well as the third eye, creating a powerful increase in the energy of will and in one's intuitive capabilities. Pietersite is an extremely supportive and strengthening stone that increases self-esteem.

Namibia is the only place where pietersite can currently be found. In the 1990s, material similar to pietersite was discovered in Hunan Province of China, but the mine was closed a few years after its pietersite had become unavailable. Limited production from Namibia has made pietersite quite difficult to find.

As a form of quartz, pietersite is remarkably durable and resilient. However, it is sensitive to acids in some common household cleaners and solvents. Avoid bleach, ammonia and sulfuric acid. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners are generally safe for quartzes--even pseudomorph quartzes--although caution should be used with the steamers due to possibilities of color shifts by heating. Warm water and a mild soap are safe to use. A soft cloth is recommended, although quartz's higher hardness does help it resist minor scratching.