Himalaya Septilin Tablets - 60's


Himalaya septilin tablet benefits the immune system by strengthening it and helping it ward off infectious diseases.

It is one of the best herbal supplements for boosting the immune system because it contains 3 important ayurvedic herbs.

Due to their ayurvedic composition, they are negligible, if not absent.

Moreover, there is a multitude of benefits of Himalaya septilin tablets that make it one of the best general health supplements.


Himalaya Septilin is power-packed with potent antioxidants, immunity-boosting and several health-promoting properties. It is beneficial in various respiratory conditions. It also has expectorant properties and can improve the white blood cell count in the body.

It helps in building the body's defence against infections and helps in improving the level of antibodies.

Septilin has antioxidants, detoxifiers and potent anti-inflammatory properties. It also soothes a sore throat.