Large Vegetable And Fruit Salad Dehydrator Drain Basket - Plastic Drain Basket


The bowl can be used for serving, for example, serving it.

The  and herb dryer is a convenient kitchen appliance that helps you quickly wash and dry  drying will help remove excess moisture from .and carefully dry lettuce, herbs, berries,  vegetables. Lettuce leaves will not be wrinkled,.will not lose its attractiveness, soft  and berries will not be damaged. With a mechanical dryer for  and , you will forget about paper towels and puddles of water.

The dryer itself can be easily disassembled into its component parts. The drying parts can be used separately. The outer container can be used as a bowl, served and stored in it. Basket - can be used as a colander or for washing vegetables and. A manual  can also be used to defrost berries.

Very  and easy to use. With this , you can dry weteasily.

In the kitchen sink, rinse the lettuce in the basket, then place the basket in the and spin it with the handle.



Bowl -  bowl - 1 pc.
Basket - colander - 1 pc.
Cover with mechanism - 1 pc