King COBRA — is the most venomous snake, known for its ability to raise its front body and flare the "hood" on its head, resembling a crown. Sometimes, cobras are adorned with white and yellow patterns on their back, adding extra allure. What color will you choose for your 3D puzzle?

Material: Eco cardboard, wood
Number of parts: 141
Size of the finished object: 19cm*16cm*17cm
Size of the box: 31.5cm*21.5cm*6cm
Difficulty level: Medium
Weight: 528 gr.
No glue needed!

Cardboard puzzle is an easy and fun way to create a 3D model to distract yourself from everyday tasks, spend time alone or with friends, and add creativity to your life. The set includes cardboard slices made of eco material, wooden bases, plugs for attaching the sculpture, and instructions. You can leave the finished model in the craft or give free rein to your imagination and add bright colors, glitter, and everything else that comes to mind.