One Line a DayChronicle Books

Art Nr.: 0811870197

ISBN 13: 9780811870191

Subtitle: A Five-Year Memory Book

Release year: 2009

Published by: Chronicle Books

Cover: Sonstiges

Cover Format: 162x103x32 mm

Pages: 370

Weight: 340 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Chronicle Books


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This classic memorykeeper is the perfect way to track the ups and downs of life, day by day. The 365 daily entries appear five times on each page, allowing users to revisit previous thoughts and memories over five years as they return to each page to record the current day's events.
Read Sample:
ACHTUNG! Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 36 Monaten. Erstickungsgefahr durch verschluckbare Kleinteile.
Information of Author
A graphic designer and bona fide plant geek based in Perth, Western Australia, Scott Cain is a certified gardening guru and has appeared on Gardening Australia.
Blank Books / Diaries / Memory Books